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The more languages you know, the more times you are a human. We all got used to hearing this saying but far from every language will do. There is so called foul language, which is no good to use. This language is considered inappropriate read more to find out more on this topic. Just to make it clear, you have to read to be a sophisticated person. However, not all readings are good for you to become a nice person. If you use swear words, there is no way you could ever be called a nicest one ever. Of course, there are different situations in life and some make us say strong words. If you are okay with it and it does not make you feel bad and everybody laughs at you saying that in a good way, it is fine but keep in mind that there are people for whom it might sound rather rude, bad, disgusting. Make a choice and let it be a good choice that you make! I hope my article is helpful for you.